Better Next Week by Olivia Wang


BNW005 - How many ToDo APPs do I need

I'm thinking about switching my default Todo APP, again.

Currently, my todos are spread across 3 APPs: Obsidian, Sorted3, and 3×3.

In Obsidian, I have a task list in my daily note. I can see what tasks I planned for today. That includes

  • daily habit-building todos, such as learning Spanish, workout, reading, etc, located in each daily note
  • project todos, located in project notes
  • weekly todos, located in weekly notes I structured my daily todos so that I can query and summarize them with dataview plugin. I can see how many chapters of what book I read this month and what workout I did each day.

I added Sorted3 to my system because of 2 reasons.

  • I can write down one-step todos such as doing laundry or buying milk in my Inbox and cross it off on my phone, my iPad, or my Mac when I’m done. Obsidian is cross-platform, but I don’t want to write this kind of task in my Obsidian because I don’t plan to use this information in the future.
  • It syncs with my calendar so I can see visually where I can put each task on my timeline. It’s a very useful way to plan my day and be productive.

I use 3×3 for time-tracking purposes. I’m curious about how I spent my time each day and I want to see statistics for a month or even a year. That can be done easily with 3×3. Another feature that I like a lot is the task hierarchy. Each task can have a parent task and many child tasks. I defined top-level tasks as the Areas I need to concentrate on. For example, Learning, Coding, Reading, and Health. I have tasks linked to these areas. Under “Reading” I have “2023 Reading Plan: 45 Books”, under that I have each book I’m reading as a task. 3×3 does the statistics, and I can see the total time I spent on each book, the time I spent reading in 2023, and the time spent reading in total.

Sounds like a good system? Every day, however, I have to cross off the daily task reading three times. Once in Obsidian, once in Sorted, and once in 3×3. I hate repeated work.

This week I read The CEO with an empty calendar. Amir Salihefendić's empty calendar is impressive. But what I got from this interview is that I want to see what I need to do each day ordered by priority. Now when I see my task list for the day in Sorted3 and in Obsidian, I see tasks postponed from previous dates, low-priority habit building todos, as well as tasks I plan to do that day. The list is quite long and lacks a focus. I often procrastinate the crucial but difficult tasks by doing the less important tasks first. Sorting my tasks by priority could help me spend more time on the most important things.

So the question becomes: should I build the system in Obsidian? Or should I try another Todo APP?

📚 Book

A Pelican Introduction Economics: A User's Guide


  • Finished the book in about 3 weeks
  • The most useful part of the book for me is Chapter 4: Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom where the author explains the 9 different schools of economics.
    • The Classical School
    • The Neoclassical School
    • The Marxist School
    • The Developmentalist Tradition
    • The Austrian School
    • The (Neo-)Schumpeterian School
    • The Keynesian School
    • The Institutionalist School
    • The Behaviouralist School
  • “The economic reality is complex and cannot be fully analysed with just one theory. The various economic theories conceptualize basic economic units differently (e.g., individuals vs. classes), focus on different things (e.g., macro-economy vs. micro-economy), ask different questions (e.g., how to maximize the efficiency with which we use given resources vs. how to increase our abilities to produce those resources in the long run) and try to answer them using different analytical tools (e.g., hyper-rationality vs. bounded rationality).” From last chapter.

🔖 Bookmarks

Collaborative Creative Writing with OpenAI’s ChatGPT – @AndrewMayne

  • How to use ChatGPT to brainstorm creative writing plots and story outlines

brycedrennan/imaginAIry: AI imagined images. Pythonic generation of stable diffusion images.

  • Generate AI images from terminal Realistic computer-generated handwriting

  • Computer generated text that really looks like handwriting

Email Generator

  • Generate Emails with GPT-3
  • I tried the same prompt in ChatGPT and got similar result. Both have the sentence "I understand the importance of meeting deadlines".

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BNW005 - How many ToDo APPs do I need